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Proofreading is an essential part of the writing process and your
success as an author, editor, technical writer, advertiser,
marketing director, or business owner.
You invest a considerable amount of creativity, energy, and time in your writing. That alone qualifies it to undergo the process of proofreading so that it sparkles, free from errors. But in our humble opinion, there's actually more to proofreading than spit and shine. If we're right, you write so others want to read everything you (or your clients) have to say.
Proofreading is the last, unsung, but crucial step that improves the readability of your writing — be it an original novella, step-by-step home improvement article, or motivating advertising message. We'd go so far as to say that proofreading is one of the most effective tools that a writer can use to affect how long and intensely readers stay engaged with their writing and that that can influence and feed the growth of your readership, livelihood, and, perhaps most important of all, your soul.
Now, that's a pretty bold statement to make. But think about it. How many times have you read something with spelling, punctuation, or word use errors that disrupts the easy flow of what you're reading? That break like that in concentration is disruptive and if it happens often enough it becomes a real threat to losing the reader's attention altogether. At the very least, the reader's esteem for the writer’s skill can be tarnished.

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A skilled Affix proofreader can help distinguish you as a savvy writer, trusted authority, or highly adept businessperson. Or all three!
AFFIX PROOFREADING is searching for and identifying language errors in an edited,
US English text document and annotating corrections for our clients to accept and implement, or reject.
• We proofread for errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word usage, consistency,
formatting, and conscious language.
• Content for proofreading may be found in headlines, text, charts, graphs, tables, image
captions and other graphics for a wide variety of online and printed items including
periodicals, ads, e-books, business emails and correspondence, websites, blogs —
even t-shirts and billboards.
• Proofreading is not writing or rewriting. Those are the writer's realm and responsibility.
Does that mean we won't point out the occasional problem we see that's outside the
scope of proofreading? Of course not, that be neither professional or kind.
We aim to be both.
Affix proofreads your writing using our life experience, deductive reasoning, and career-acquired skills. We support our skills with the following traditional and online proofreading references and resources.
• The Chicago Manual of Style, Associated Press StyleBook, Merriam-Webster Dictionary,
and The New Collegiate Oxford Dictionary. We also honor and implement client style
requests, and utilize custom style sheets provided by clients.
• Annotating software Microsoft Track changes, GoogleDocs, and Adobe Acrobat Pro
and Reader.
• Web searches, state-of-the-art online language platforms and websites, and books.
Affix Proofreading Services offers structural and copy editing
to writers of shorter US English documents.
STRUCTURAL EDITING looks at the overall way writing is organized. Structural editing looks at the big picture of the writing while focusing in on the logical flow, style, tone, and general quality of the writing. Structural editing is done before copy editing and proofreading. Structural editing is not developmental editing, which is typically done by an editor teamed with a writer at the beginning or in-progress on a large writing project.
COPY EDITING deals with the mechanics of writing and finding ways to improve overall clarity, readability, and flow of text so it’s seamless for the reader. The focus of copy editing is on sentence structure, word choice, tone, and consistency. These ensure that the writing communicates effectively to the intended audience. Copy editing may also help to make the writing more compelling and impactful without changing the writer's voice. Copy editing is done after structural changes are completed and before final text is submitted for proofreading.
Writing submitted to Affix for structural or copy editing is typically used for: brochures, short stories and novellas, website and magazine editorial sections and articles, advertorials and advertisements, website page sections, newsletters, graphic novels, blogs, business correspondence and announcements, charts and graphs, image captions, and infographics.


Let’s start with confidentiality, pricing,
and turnaround — upfront.
We protect your rights and privacy from the get-go
with a Confidentiality
and Non-Disclosure
We provide custom pricing and turnaround estimates based on your written sample and order form.
We promptly
add your project to our work schedule upon
the return of your signed order, initial payment,
and the upload of your document files.
We send step-by-step instructions for file prep and transfers to your private and secure folder
at the Affix portal.
We read your writing, proofread it, and
read it again.
First, we read your written
work from start to finish to understand its intended message and audience.
After that, we briskly
pursue the language errors in your text, one kind and one page at a time, annotating our corrections as we go.
Next, we make a copy of
your document with all of our corrections applied and read it line-by-line aloud to catch clarity issues; and those doggone “sneaky”
thethe errors.
Finally, a copy of your document, with all of our annotated corrections and comments is save for you.
It’s now ready, upon final
payment, for the quick trip
to your portal folder
for your review.
Accept and make your corrections, and take
a final pass on us.*
Now it's your turn.
Choose which corrections you want to make in your document using
Word track changes or Acrobat Reader.
When you're finished, simply return a copy of your finished file to us and we’ll give it your free final pass, included with each Affix proofreading job.
We notify you if we find any issues in the final pass so you can update and finish your document.
*Affix Final Pass is a last check to confirm that client corrections have been made successfully.
Next, we create a copy of
your document that has all of our corrections implemented. We read it line-by-line,
silently, and then aloud, to catch errors and confirming the corrections already found.
You invest a considerable amount of creativity, energy, and time in your writing. That alone qualifies it to undergo the process of proofreading so that its polish shows you've crafted a piece you're rightfully proud to offer to the world at large.
But in our humble opinion, there's actually more to proofreading than spit and shine.
We believe you put so much effort into your writing because you want others to want to read everything you (or your clients) have to say. Proofreading is the final, unsung, but crucial editing step that refines the readability of your writing, be it an original novella, a step-by-step home improvement article, or a searing political op-ed. We'd go so far as to assert that proofreading is one of the most efficient tools that a writer can utilize to affect how long and attentively readers stay engaged with their writing, and that that can influence and feed the growth of readership, livelihood, and, perhaps most important of all, the soul.
Now that's a pretty bold statement to make. But think about it. How many times have you read something with a spelling, punctuation, or word use error that disrupted the flow of what you're reading? That break in concentration creates a mental detour, and if it happens often enough, it can become a threat of losing the reader's attention altogether. At the very least, the reader’s esteem for the writer’s skills can be tarnished.